Summary and Commentary on the Two Cases Brought Against Jeremy Brown by Our Weaponized U.S. Government

 By Jen Hicks

September 16, 2024

The two cases of MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown should serve as a cautionary tales to EVERY American that agents of a weaponized government who will come to the doorstep of the home of an American hero like Jeremy Brown to ask him to choose sides--the government or the people--is government that very well may show up on your doorstep next and ask you to turn on your neighbors. They came for Jeremy Brown. Read his story and then, please, don't do nothing

Jeremy Brown was recently moved one month ago from a Florida detention facility to the DC jail to stand trial for two misdemeanor trespassing charges for which he was arrested on September 30, 2021. He has been behind bars every single day since his arrest, for a total now of 1082 days and counting. October 1st will mark the fourth birthday (and his 50th!) that Jeremy Brown will have spent behind bars, apart from his family and friends. 

During the September 30, 2021 arrest for charges of trespassing alleged to have occurred on January 6th, Brown's home was raided for over five hours as a search warrant issued by a DC judge to  execute a "domestic terrorism investigation" took place at his Florida residence. It was during this raid that grenades were supposedly "found." Jeremy emphatically denies that the grenades are his, and the forensic analysis (done at his request) found the grenades to have on them the DNA of two males (but not Jeremy's DNA), pet hair (but not from Jeremy's pets), and carpet fibers (which do not match any at his residence or in his RV where the grenades were "found"). Other items seized during the raid included two guns which he had failed to register and pay taxes on. Jeremy acknowledges that those two guns are his, but he maintains that it is his Second Amendment right to keep them. Also listed as seized during the raid were classified documents, one count of which Brown claims was based on evidence planted during the raid of his home, and on that count, the jury agreed. 

Jeremy Brown was sentenced to 7.25 years and that case is presently under appeal. Jeremy has told me that he has read transcripts of some of the other J6 political prisoners and that the U.S. Government is referencing evidence seized during the search of his home--for which the validity of the search warrant is presently under appeal--to argue for the prosecution of other J6 political prisoners. Jeremy recommends that we all should be reading the transcripts because they so readily reveal a weaponization of government that many fear is coming, but that few have yet realized is already here. 

So why would the FBI want to plant grenades at the home of this Retired 20-year Special Forces Green Beret? And why was Jeremy Brown deemed to pose such a threat that he has been detained every single day since his arrest? If American hero Jeremy Brown is the threat that the U.S. Government has repeatedly tried to make him out to be, then why has Jeremy only ever been charged with two trespassing misdemeanors? 

Jeremy Brown is one of many Americans who has been arrested for "trespassing" on January 6, 2021. In that regard, he is not unique. What does set his case apart from that of other J6ers, though, is that Jeremy is being retaliated against for blowing the whistle on the FBI. In March 2021, when Jeremy heard FBI Director Wray claiming that the FBI had no involvement in J6, Brown decided to release the December 9, 2020 audio recording of his conversation with two FBI JTTF agents who tried to recruit him in the days leading up to January 6th to become a paid confidential informant to spy on citizens who had broken no laws. 

Despite being considered too much of a threat to be released while awaiting trial, Jeremy's arrest--stemming from allegations of misdemeanor  trespassing at our nation's capitol on January 6th--didn't occur until September 30, 2021--nine months after January 6th! So how much of a threat did they honestly believe him to be, to have waited so long to show up to his home to arrest him? Since his arrest, the U.S. Government has tried to join Jeremy's misdemeanors in trial with those of other J6ers who were charged with felonies. It only takes a quick glimpse through the legal documents in the docket of Brown's misdemeanor case to see the many inconsistencies in the actions of the government. 

To have charged Brown with something more than misdemeanors would be to open him up to entering into the record the evidence he has--to include his own analysis as a trained expert--which would blow apart the entire narrative that FBI agents weren't involved in the planning and execution of the events of January 6. Given how the arguments from the U.S. Government in Brown's misdemeanor trial read as if they were charging him with seditious conspiracy instead of misdemeanor trespassing, it is laughable (and, yet, also infuriating) that the U.S. Government also argued in Brown's Tampa trial that the whistleblower recording was not relevant for the jury to hear due to their claim it would present "a real risk of turning this straightforward search warrant trial into a confusing morass." (Case 8:21-cr-00348-SCB-SPF Document 272)

So it's okay for the U.S. Government to turn what should be a straightforward misdemeanor case into "a confusing morass," but it was never okay with them to allow Brown to be permitted to play for the jury the damning recording of the two agents attempting to recruit him in the days leading up to January 6th. In the Government's own summary of the recorded conversation, they reference that the agents offered money to Brown in exchange for information, so Brown's assertion that the agents offered to pay him to become an informant is something that the U.S. Government acknowledged to have occurred and did not dispute. What can be disputed is the argument of the U.S. Government that Jeremy Brown posed a threat. In an eGuardian report from the FBI which was closed on January 13, 2021, it was noted that Brown was at the capitol on January 6 and that he did not enter the capitol building. 

The findings of the FBI report closed on January 13, 2021 also indicate that Brown was found to pose no threat and that no further FBI investigation was warranted. In Document 272 referenced above, the Government also notes that--as is evidenced in the recording--the two JTTF agents stated that Jeremy was deemed to be no threat at all, and that Jeremy was contacted by the same agents again by phone on January 6th and there is no question that they knew that he was at the capitol that day. The FBI knew exactly where Jeremy Brown was on January 6, 2021. So why did they wait until September 30, 2021 to arrest him for trespassing? 

In Jeremy's Tampa trial, the U.S. Government argued that the recording of the FBI agents trying to recruit Jeremy to be a paid informant wasn't relevant to that case because the two agents weren't present at the search warrant when the items Brown claims were planted were "found." The December 2020 recording DOES serve as evidence that the September 30, 2021 arrest of Brown on two misdemeanor charges WAS the result of targeting by the FBI, however, for the same two agents who attempted to recruit Jeremy in December 2020 WERE present at his arrest for the two misdemeanors. The arrest warrant was returned as executed and signed by Brett Lindsey, who is one of the two agents who can be heard in the whistleblower recording that Jeremy released to the public in March 2021. 

It is interesting to note just how imperative the U.S. Government believes it is to lay the groundwork of things going on with Jeremy Brown in the days prior to January 6. They plan to argue that what took place prior to January 6 is relevant because it would lead a person to the reasonable assumption that Jeremy was trespassing on that day. However, the Government reveals their agenda when they selectively choose to ignore the evidence--of which there is plenty--that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the September 30th arrest warrant. which was executed and signed by one of agents who was recorded in December 2020 trying to recruit Jeremy to spy on law-abiding citizens, was a retaliatory action in response to Brown having embarrassed the FBI and the agents when he released the whistleblower recording. In Document 272 of Brown's Tampa trial, the U.S. Government's argument is that the two agents who are heard on the whistleblower recording couldn't possibly have been involved in any targeting of Brown with regard to the planting of evidence during the raid of his home. Why? Because they weren't present when the search warrant was executed. Where were they? Well, as you can read in Document 272, those same two agents heard in the whistleblower recording were the ones who arrested Brown and transported him to the jail.  

It is the Government's own argument underscoring the importance of where Agents Lindsey and Ura were on September 30, 2021 that points to the reasonable assumption that the arrest warrant for trespassing was a retaliatory response to Brown having released a whistleblower recording that included the very same two agents who arrested him and took him to jail. The Government's own argument that the absence of these two agents during the execution of the search warrant lends credence for an argument to be made that where they did happen to be at that time is significant. Where were they? They were executing the arrest warrant for the two misdemeanor charges, which strongly suggests to any reasonable person that there was motive for these agents and for the FBI to have sought to arrest Brown for the two misdemeanors as a form of retaliation for the embarrassment that his release of the whistleblower recording caused to the agents and to the FBI. 

There is other evidence which points to the charges of trespassing having been nothing more than retaliatory as well--namely, the significant amount of time which had passed between January 6th--the day the alleged trespassing took place-- and the day the arrest warrant was issued, which was not until September 29, 2021, the day before Brown was arrested. In Brown's Tampa trial, the U.S. Government was able to secure a guilty verdict from a jury using the argument that Brown's "silence was his confession." This was in regard to Brown not having said anything when his girlfriend--in their first calls after the raid of their home--was reading to him a list over the phone of items which were listed as seized during the raid. The argument of the U.S. Government was that if Brown had been innocent and if the grenades, which Brown says were planted, were not his, then he should have reasonably been expected to object right then and there upon hearing that grenades had been seized during the raid. 

It is a blatant indicator of the two-tiered system of Justice that we have in our country when the silence of the accused is interpreted by the accuser as an indicator of guilt; and, yet, when it is the Government who should bear the burden of proving the guilt of the accused beyond any reasonable doubt, they hold themselves to a different standard with regard to how long they believe it is THEIR right to remain silent and not to speak up to warn us all about Jeremy Brown, whom they were concerned about so little that they didn't even bother to seek a warrant for his arrest until nine months after the alleged trespass took place. 

What is the more reasonable argument here? Is it that Jeremy Brown is the "Big Bad" that the government is trying to portray him as--and that they negligently allowed him to remain free for nine months before charging him with TRESPASSING. (Again, given the portrayal of Brown by the U.S. Government, one has to ask why it is they have only ever charged him with standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.) Or is it a much more reasonable argument to say that when Brown released the whistleblower recording of his conversation with the two FBI agents who tried to recruit him in the days prior to January 6th, that the trespassing charges that were eventually brought against Brown on the last day of September 2021 were a retaliatory action from an embarrassed and vengeful FBI who didn't want the dirty laundry of FBI involvement leading up to and on January 6th to be aired to the public? 

During the trial, technical difficulties prevented the jury from being able to hear and assess the conversation between Jeremy and his girlfriend. Technical difficulties also often occur in jail communications, and anyone who has listened to even just a few of the calls Jeremy has made from the jail when giving interviews to media will have heard for themselves just how ridiculous it would be to rely upon any assurances that anything spoken by one person on those calls is actually heard by the person on the other end. It is not uncommon for that not to be the case. Jeremy has also said that he did own AirSoft (gameplay) grenades, and that the mention of grenades would not (and should not) have necessarily caused him to think--at the time--that it was explosives that they were claiming had been seized. 

While the circumstances of Brown having been targeted by the Government are unique in that he has recorded evidence that points to why it is that the FBI would want to target him specifically, the targeting of American citizens by our weaponized government has been broadly applied. The abuses of government have even been acknowledged by the Supreme Court in their decision regarding 1512 charges which were wrongly lodged against many who were at our nation's capitol on January 6th. 

I mean, just look at this. Look at the lengths to which the U.S. Government is willing to go in order to create the narrative they desire. This is for two MISDEMEANOR trespassing charges that the Government waited 267 days after January 6 to get a warrant to pursue.

They are reviewing "hundreds of messages on various Oath Keeper Signal chats to determine which messages are most relevant to the defendant's intent and motive" with regard to TRESPASSING charges? The U.S. Government has stated that it "intends to present a case that appropriately contextualizes the defendant's trespassory conduct" (Case 1:21-cr-00609-APM Document 68). If the Government is having to go to that much trouble and to dig so deeply for evidence of trespassing, then the clearest answer is that the reason the intent to engage in trespass is NOT readily apparent is because it doesn't exist. 

The U.S Government is grasping at straws and at appropriated contextualization that is nothing more than rank speculation. There is more merit and substance to support an argument that the pre-arrest events involving the FBI are far more relevant to understanding the appropriate context under which Brown was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing charges. Pre-arrest events include pre-J6 attempts to recruit Jeremy Brown (made by the same agents who months later arrested him), as well as post-J6 reports indicating that Brown's location on January 6 was known to the FBI on that very day, and that investigations into him as a potential domestic terror threat were closed in mid-January 2021, noting that no further FBI investigation was warranted. In light of all of this, it is reasonable to believe that the misdemeanor charges are nothing more than retaliatory actions on behalf of an FBI that has a documented and proven history of retaliatory actions against even their own agents who have blown the whistle.

FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen and other whistleblowers have been given the opportunity to give testimony before the House Judiciary. Why hasn't the House Judiciary GOP sought out the testimony of Retired Special Forces Green Beret Jeremy Brown who is also a whistleblower and for whom the FBI sought arrest and search warrants on the exact same day (September 29, 2021) that Allen claims retaliatory efforts began against him for also sounding the alarm with regard to the veracity of the FBI's J6 narrative? [Visit the Free Jeremy Brown Linktree here for easy ways to contact members of Congress to ask them to obtain the testimony of MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown.)

If you are an American who believes that it is your right to keep and bear arms exactly as described in the Second Amendment, then you should very much want to watch Jeremy Brown's December 17th trial and see how it is that the U.S. Government intends to try to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown had intent and motive to TRESPASS on January 6th.

I'll return again to where I began this story of Retired Special Forces Green Beret Jeremy Brown by reminding you that this is a cautionary tale. It's a warning to every law-abiding citizen that what the Government is doing to Jeremy Brown is what they will do to you next. It is what they will do to anyone who dares to speak the truth and to say that what they are doing is wrong and that it is a violation of our Rights and our Liberty. The way that we protect ourselves is by claiming our rights and by having the courage to stand alongside Jeremy Brown and to loudly proclaim that what is being done to him is WRONG. Please share his story with everyone you know. 

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