12 Aug

Welcome to the "Liberty's Ember" newsletter. My name is Jeremy Brown and the purpose of this newsletter is to keep you informed about what is going on with my case, as well as to share with you my perspective on things going on with current events. I want to help arm you as you make your way through this information war that we are in, and to offer action items that you can take to help fuel the "brushfires of freedom." Future newsletters will contain downloadable material for you to print and share with others.

We will discuss the truth about January 6, examine the unconstitutional attacks on our liberty, and identify the problems within our judicial system which have arisen because, for too long, we haven't been paying attention and we have outsourced the protection of our freedom to others. I will also include opportunities for you to join me in looking back upon the history of our nation and why it is imperative that we have an understanding of our past so that we are not "destroyed for lack of knowledge."

Those unfamiliar with my story can learn more at JeremyBrownDefense.com and at WhoIsJeremyBrown.com. For those who have already been following my case, the most recent update is that my appeal response should be filed this week. This will start a three month (Oct 2024) clock to be granted Oral Arguments in front of the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta. If granted, the hearing should be within two months of that (Dec 2024). Then the ruling should be within two months of that (March 2025). If ruled against, we will proceed to the US Supreme Court which will require hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, to prevent delays, we have until March 2025 (7 months) to raise $200,000. Anyone wishing to contribute to these legal expenses may do so here: https://www.givesendgo.com/jeremybrowndefense, Every dollar you graciously give is not taken for granted and is greatly appreciated. 

I ask you, are you ready to light brushfires of Liberty in the souls of men? Watch for a monthly newsetter to appear in your inbox around the 15th of every month. I am also interested in hearing from you and answering any questions you may have for me. I am looking forward to speaking to you again, and I would like for this newsletter to function in an interactive way with the readers. I would like future newsletters to include a Q&A section in which I will answer questions submitted by you, the reader. Questions and comments can be submitted to newsletter@whoisjeremybrown.com. I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to reaching out to you again next month. God Bless. De Oppresso Liber!


It has been 1023 days since our friend and American Hero, Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.) Jeremy Brown, was arrested by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force for exposing his audio recording of their attempt to recruit him to illegally spy on law-abiding Americans.

MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown was denied bond for 15 months before being falsely convicted and sentenced to 87 months in Federal Prison for “espionage” and “stolen military explosives” using fake and planted evidence, which the FBI’s laboratory confirmed through DNA, carpet fiber and dog hair samples that did not match him.

MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown publicly predicted this illegal targeting of him and from day one has denied the Government’s charges. Friends and supporters who have followed and attended this Soviet-style show trial vehemently deny the legitimacy of his conviction and demand his immediate release.

No American should be subjected to illegal surveillance by their Government. Law enforcement should not be operating illegal spy networks and all Government surveillance should meet the Constitutional requirement of a warrant issued only on the basis of probable cause of an actual crime.

The stakes could not be higher: Our rights are nothing more than words on paper if those who swear an oath to defend them simply ignore and violate them. MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown is upholding his oath to “Support and Defend” the Constitution and the American People by taking on the corrupt FBI. Without accountability, Freedom will become Fantasy.

Every day Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.) Jeremy Brown sits in an American prison, our Liberty fades. We will not rest until those responsible for these crimes are held accountable and his FREEDOM is restored. MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown is an American Hero, fighting for our Liberty, and any portrayal to the contrary is meant to cover up this Government’s crimes.

MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown is currently appealing this false conviction and has two misdemeanors still pending. He needs your help because “the process IS the punishment.” Even if he wins, he loses without your support. Please consider donating one penny for every day that MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown has been unjustly denied his freedom. Your donation of 1023 pennies ($10.23) will help offset the cost of the judicial process.

You can also help by sharing this newsletter and by directing people to learn more at JeremyBrownDefense.com. If you are on social media, please use the hashtags #WhoIsJeremyBrown and #FreeJeremyBrown to get his story to more Americans.

ARE YOU A BUSINESS OWNER who would like to help Jeremy Brown?

Here is another way to help that was shared by a supporter: If you are a business owner who qualifies to join this class action lawsuit and you would like to also support FBI whistleblower and J6 political prisoner Jeremy Brown, please include "Jeremy Brown" in the referral section of the form. A portion of the referral commission will be donated to Jeremy Brown Defense to help support his legal costs. To learn more and to see how much you may qualify for, please visit here: https://clickfundsca.com/hh/. Any questions should be directed to the contacts listed on ClickFunds website. Thank you!

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