11 Aug

Bad actors within our weaponized Government are trying EVERYTHING they can to move MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown from the Citrus County Detention Facility in Florida to the Washington, D.C. gulag. They have tried multiple times in the past to move him in violation of orders not to. As a 20 year Special Forces Master Sergeant, Jeremy has been trained to have a keen eye and understanding of how all the pieces fit together. Jeremy's recent refusal of the plea agreement that was recently offered to him (THREE AND A HALF YEARS after J6!) and which came with the threat of the addition of charges of seditious conspiracy if he refused; as well as the judge's recent denial of Jeremy's motion to stay the DC trial until after the completion of his appeal process, point to the Government seeming to have some ulterior motive for wanting so badly to transport him to Washington, D.C.

For these reasons and others, Jeremy Brown believes that their intention is to put him in a position where life-threatening harm will come to him. 

Below is the information regarding an emergency motion that was filed by Jeremy's attorney on August 8th. As you can see, the Government's denial of Jeremy's request to hold the trial via Zoom, per Rule 43(b)2, is irrational and unjust on a number of levels. It would be MORE costly to both the Government (i.e., the taxpayers) and to Jeremy for them to move him. Allowing the trial for the two MISDEMEANOR charges to take place via Zoom would be far less expensive. Jeremy's attorney also raises the violation of his right to have access to his legal counsel, citing the health of Jeremy's attorney as a factor with regard to them seeking to move him unnecessarily. 

The message below was sent on August 8th from whistleblower and J6 political prisoner Jeremy Brown. If you can make a donation to help with his legal expenses, even $1 is appreciated. The costs of refusing to back down are mounting. Please help him fight back, if you can. Thank you! 

From Jeremy before they move him to DC as early as tonight without an Extradition Order from the Governor of Florida, in violation of Florida Law AND in violation of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 43 (b) (2).  

We filed a Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure Rule 43 (b) (2) notice on Tuesday, that due to my charges being ONLY misdemeanors, I was consenting to trial via Video Teleconference from Florida, which is my RIGHT under that Rule and should have merely required a notice to the court, not even an approved motion. The DOJ has filed to stop that under a DC ONLY Local Rule that allows them to oppose, violating 14th Amendment "Equal Protection" provisions. They did this for ONE reason and ONE reason only. I am a Whistleblower Witness against this corrupt Government with a recording of FBI/DHS Criminal actions prior to January 6th, 2021 and in DC, the shower floors are slippery, the stairs are steep and the tooth brushes are extra sharp. Sure would be a shame if something really bad happened before I can get to the stand and testify in a MISDEMEANOR case. Jeremy Brown did not die for any reason the Government claims. If I am allowed to testify and go on to live a long life, I will be happy to be called a "Conspiracy Theorist" by the DOJ. At least I will be alive. But, if not, my headstone should read, "Here Lies Jeremy Brown...He was Right!"  JEREMY SENDS DOL"

Below are clips of Jeremy speaking with UK podcaster Warren Thornton. 

The full interview with Warren Thornton can be found here:

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