09 Aug

There are many who still have never heard Jeremy Brown's story and how it fits into the big picture of understanding the truth about what happened before, on, and after January 6, 2021. This American hero and whistleblower needs to know that the country to which he has devoted twenty years of combat service, and which he continues to serve through his courage as a whistleblower, is a country that has not forgotten him. Please learn about and share his story so that we may #FreeJeremyBrown. All images below are from Beattie's full report which can be found at Revolver News

More from Beattie's reporting:

Misdemeanor charges of "trespassing" were the reasons given for Jeremy Brown's arrest and the five and a half hour raid on his Florida home--NINE months after January 6th. Many Americans are still being charged with "trespassing" at the capitol on January 6, 2021. Darren Beattie shows that these "trespassing" charges are being selectively applied.

Beattie's full report can be found at the link below. You won't find any reporting that brings more clarity to the big picture of the true story of January 6th, and Beattie deserves tremendous thanks for having the courage to report this. He has noted in interviews that reporters who cover story's like Jeremy Brown's soon find that they are targets themselves. 


From Beattie's Revolver News report:

To read the rest of Beattie's report on Jeremy Brown and to view the video referenced in the passage from Beattie's article above, click here to visit the Revolver News website.


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