03 Feb

Another update from FBI whistleblower and J6 political hostage Jeremy Brown. (Update #3 is still being held up due to the difficulties of jail communication and will be shared when received.)

Brown is presently being held at FCI Atlanta. He was initially told he would be assigned there permanently; however, he was moved last Thursday evening to a different pod--one where they hold inmates who are expected to be transferred. Jeremy was told last Thursday that he "wasn't supposed to be there." We don't yet know if Jeremy's next move will be to another facility--or if he will FINALLY be released. Please pray that it is the latter, and that the hell and torment that this American hero has had to endure for 1222 days now (and counting...) will finally end with his release. 


"Moving at the speed of Government vs Combat Speed"
Government Speed: it's the speed of someone who calls themselves a "servant", yet makes 3 to 5 times as much money as you, of which you pay for. They're in no hurry because they get paid no matter how fast or slow or whether they work at all. They're super busy because they have lots of favors to repay, therefore you have to be patient. And we all know the classic line from Mr. Reagan, "The most frightening words are 'I'm from the Government, here to help!"

Combat Speed: it is the speed you move because you have to win and against and enemy that wants to win as much or more than you. The biggest problem is, the game is almost certainly 'life or death' and 'winner takes all'. Victory is measured in inches and seconds and every move counts. The tools used are capable of moving at speeds tracked by 'feet per second' and as Jessie The Body says in the movie 'Predator', "I ain't got TIME to bleed!" or the Captain of the USS Enterprise says in the final battle of 'TOP GUN' when asking when the reserve fighter aircraft will be ready (with MAVERICK, of course) and is told, "5 minutes, SIR!", he quickly and truthfully states a fact about "Combat Speed"..."NOTHING takes 5 minutes!!! Make it 2!" That's "Combat Speed".

Currently, we have a clash of these 2 opposing forces, and like when warm air collides with cold, a storm develops. We have hundreds, thousands, hell, maybe tens of thousands of Americans ALL demanding ACTION and wanting it at Combat Speed while Government Bureaucrats, Government Lawyers, Government Appointees and Staffers are all moving at,...well, you guessed it...GOVERNMENT SPEED. It was actually one of my attorneys, COL (Ret.) Carol Stewart, that pointed this out to me yesterday. I chuckled, because it's been decades since I heard the term, "At Combat Speed...", usually used in a "Crawl, Walk, Run then Combat Speed' training environment. If you've (a civilian) ever dealt with a Soldier in a high stress environment and thought, "Gee Wiz, they're a real ASSHOLE!", this is why. You are likely moving at 'Civilian Speed', which is in-between the two and varies by the individual. :-D

But let me slightly (but NOT enough to get you to let up) assuage some of your frustration and I feel uniquely qualified to do so, but the longer they take, the worse it looks AND the more the TRUTH comes out. Sooooo, I'm ok with a little ROI (Return On Investment), as long as good things continue to happen and details continue to become known to the American People. The last 24 hours has actually felt good, like my nearly 41 months in jail and all the work prior to that has NOT been in vain. With that said, don't let up! "That's NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" should be our battle cry until I can schedule a visit at a Federal Prison to visit those ACTUALLY responsible for January 6th, 2021. (Yes, Mr. Milley, you are ONE of them!)

So, I'll make this email update a little shorter than the previous ones by "ending on a make!" (A phrase I learned from my Ex-Wife while learning to be a Women's Basketball Coach. She always told me, "Never leave the court on a MISS. Walk off only after a MAKE!" I hope it drives her mad that I'm using it.)

My current Cellmate is named John. He is in his mid-sixties and spent 28 years of his life in prison, because of drugs, the MOST common denominator of almost everyone in Jail/Prison. He has a walker and on lots of meds for all kinds of pains and medical conditions. Oh yeah, he's the loudest snorer I've ever heard, but I digress. New "cellies" are always something to report to family for any Inmate. When I first came in, we chatted for a while, as we were "locked down". Of course, no one is MORE aware of how unbelievable my story is than I. In prison, there is a saying, "Be all you can be in the Penitentiary", which simply means, "Everyone LIES about their stories...especially their cases." So, I told him my story and I am pretty sure he thought, "Yeah, RIGHT!" John has a 77 year old wife who lives in a small city in the Midwest. She has NO cell phone, NO computer and only has a landline. When he called her and told her he had a new cellmate and his name was "Jeremy", he told me her response was "Jeremy Brown?" He said, "I don't know? (as people rarely share REAL, much less FULL names) and he yelled to me, "Hey, Cellie! Your last name 'Brown'?!?!" I said yes, he told his Wife and he said she started rattling off my whole story! He told me, "She knows more about you than I do!" HAHAHAHA. YOU ALL DID THAT. or as Ricky Bobby might say, "Shake'N Bake!...THAT...JUST...HAPPENED!!!" 

Since then, he has lamented, nonstop, how he HATES that I am in here, how he 'deserves it' but I don't. I explain to him, "John, I am 'Specially selected and well trained' for this mission and IF NOT for me going through this, America may have totally bought the complete LIE that Loving Liberty,  America and our Constitution makes you a 'Terrorist'." Of course, this fight is NOT over, so whether or NOT we are 'Patriots' or 'Terrorist' has yet to be decided, because THAT designation is made by THE WINNER! And this fight to restore Liberty is at the end of the beginning, NOT the beginning of the end!

But hey, George Washington, John Handcock, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine and their "ilk" were considered 'Terrorist' by the British Crown, so I'll sleep well at night wearing the Tyrant's label as a badge of honor, because it's all about "The Company You Keep!" Besides, I've been called WORSE things by BETTER men. 

De Oppresso Liber! -- Jeremy

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