04 Feb

Communications with inmates is, more often than not, VERY glitchy. Messages to and from Jeremy arrive in whatever order they are approved, and not necessarily in the order that they were sent. "Update #4" arrived, and now this one (below) is "Update #5." "Update #3" still hasn't come through, but Jeremy has said that it is a long one (and that it took him two days to write it), so we assume that the length may be the cause of the delay. We will keep watching for it. He has been informed that the others have been received. 

I would like to also note something that many are likely not aware of, which is just how much effort it is that Jeremy is putting into getting these communications out to all of us. He cannot just sit down at a computer and type out a message. He only has access during the time that he is not in lockdown (confined to his cell). Inmates spend a LOT of time in lockdown. 

The area where he is being held has three computers that must be shared, and there is a ten minute time limit that he can spend on a computer at one time before having to allow someone else a turn. Of those three computers, only one of them has a keyboard that has the keys labeled (which is the one that the said he needs). Fortunately, this prison communication system has a "save draft" feature that allows him to cumulatively write these updates that he sends. But please remember, as you read them, that so much effort goes into writing them. Even simple tasks such as sending an email are made difficult when you are an inmate.  Let's continue to do what we can to get him the hell out of there. 


I just took my last shower in Prison!

Don't get excited. Let me explain.

The shower is the single most vulnerable and Inmate can be. Naked, wet and unusually in the most unobserved places in any POD. Therefore, for security reasons, I rarely shower. In order to not disgust everyone, we won't discuss HOW rarely. But I'm still alive and with no extra holes, so I will count it as effective.

Leading up to Jan 20th, I had decided to by into the hope and scheduled my LAST 3 "Freedom Showers" for the 15th, 17th and 19th of January, so I could emerge smelling nice and clean. #1 and #2 went off without issues. But due to some "Rabble Rousers" outside demanding the release of their people, the DC Jail panicked and placed the facility on LOCK DOWN! So, the last shower I took was "Freedom Shower #2 on Jan 17th".

Well, I've decided I'm gonna will my release by acting as if it is coming today, so I showered here in the Transition POD of US Penitentiary, Atlanta and that will be the LAST shower I take until I am a Free Man again. So, if this message reaches anyone with the ability to hurry things along, Please, have mercy on Don & Donna from Cowboy Logic, as they are my PRIMARY Exfil Plan :-) Sure, they might not care about the smell at first, but adrenaline wears off QUICK! De Oppresso Liber! -- Jeremy

PS...Word is that BOP blocks group emails, so please let me know if anyone is getting these.

* The email will not be published on the website.