01 Feb

A message from Special Forces MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown, who is a J6 political hostage and FBI whistleblower who is still being detained.  


"Has it been 9 minutes yet? Asking for a friend :-D"

Marine Corp General and Legend (according to Marines, just ask one) "Chesty" Puller once said, and I paraphrase, "We have them in front of us, behind us, to the left of us and to the right of us! WE HAVE THEM RIGHT WHERE WE WANT THEM! We can fire in any direction and hit'em." Well, that seems to be where we are at this moment. We can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting some entrenched bureaucrat trying to keep the truth from coming out and me in prison. So, in that spirit, I'd like to rally you all and help keep our "rate of fire" up (using FREE SPEECH and PRESS, not bullets for the chuckleheads reading this) by issuing these mass updates straight from ME! This will do 3 things... 

1) Maximize my extremely limited access to communications (10 minutes at a time with a MINIMUM of 15 minutes between) as well as limited time out of my cell. 

2) Ensure everyone, trying hard to get the truth and my story out to the American People, is on the same sheet of music. So, send me your questions or inquiries directly and if I feel they need to be addressed to the group, I will address them here. If not, I will reply directly. 

3) Motivate all of you trying to help and advocate for me by subjecting you to the irreverent and likely often inappropriate (according to the Tyrants) humor that you can ONLY get from a washed up Green Beret, 50 year old fat man whose Government has shown "special love" by subjecting him to over 40+ months (but who's counting) in jail. Is this how John Rambo felt? 

So, let's begin, shall we... 

First, how have I been doing and what have I been through? I have my ups and downs. It really has helped to hear how aggressively this story is spreading. Like they say in business, "I'm a 40 month overnight success!" But for me, it has NEVER been about the jail time (although, I'll walk out ANYTIME "they" are ready), it has been about USING this jail time and "their" actions to expose the truth, so I'm happy that's happening on a large scale at the moment, thanks to all of you and others. Yes, I have bad days and no, everything has not gone perfectly, but I am billing the FBI, DOJ and DOD $8.2 million dollars per day (the per diem cost of the JTTF), so a few more DAYS (not weeks or months, please) won't kill me. It is tougher to think every Corrections Officer entering the floor is here to call my name or every rattle of the keys are to let me out, but I'd rather THAT than freedom not even be in sight. 

Well, #2 will be tomorrow, if I'm still here, but we just got the call to "Lock Down", so I will have to end it here. Just know, I'm still in this fight and so glad you are all in it with me! De Oppresso Liber! -- Jeremy Brown, US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.), Framed and Falsely Convicted FBI/DHS/DOD/J6 Whistleblower 

PS...Sam Adams "Cold Snap" is the answer to those asking, "So, what type of beer should I buy Jeremy when he gets out?" :-) Sam Adams is only fitting.

* The email will not be published on the website.