11 Aug

It's always hard to ask for help, but...we're asking. We are not asking anyone to "dig deep" into their pockets the way the politicians often do. The following is what Jeremy has suggested that people can do to help him. He didn't and never would call himself an American Hero, though. But that is what he is, and--unlike many of our politicians--Jeremy Brown has held to his oath and is deserving of our help. What we are asking is that, if American Hero Jeremy Brown is someone you would buy a beer at the bar, then please (if you are able) "buy this man a beer" right now. And if you can't donate the cost of a beer right now, then could you help "tip the bartender" a buck or two on his behalf? :) 🙏

Even donations of one dollar add up, and every donation is greatly appreciated and not taken for granted. Thank you! 

Donations to Jeremy Brown Defense can be made here: https://www.givesendgo.com/jeremybrowndefense

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