04 Sep

"Jeremy Brown is probably one of the more important cases that you may have never even heard about," says Chris Hedges, an attorney who is assisting in the case of FBI whistleblower and J6 defendant MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown. Hedges said, in a recent podcast, that the case of the U.S. Government against American hero and 20-year Special Forces Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown is one on which he "could do a case study on every violation of the law, in every form of law that I think I have ever studied, as it pertains to his actual case." In that same podcast, Steve Prebich, states, "I've been a cop for 26 years...and I've never heard of a misdemeanor extradition outside the state," referencing the fact that Jeremy Brown was recently moved from Florida to DC for the sole purpose of facing two MISDEMEANOR charges, which (per Rule 43(b)2 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure) never even should have required Brown's presence at all. You can hear the rest of the conversation between Hedges and Prebich about the case of Jeremy Brown at the podcast link here: https://rumble.com/v5cr9b1-interview-with-chris-hedges-attorney-assisting-in-j6-case.html?e9s=src_v1_upp.

The sad fact is that it doesn't even require one to have a law degree to be able to look at the case of Jeremy Brown and see that what is being done to him is an example of the weaponization of government and the weaponization of the judicial system. It is appalling that Americans are being treated this way at the hands of their own government. If Jeremy Brown and other Americans who have had their own government turn against them were NOT legal U.S. citizens and patriots who love this country, one could argue that they would have NEVER been subjected to such abuses. 

Many of those who have given blood, sweat, and tears to protect our country are languishing in prisons, deprived of their rights, while those who have arrived here illegally are given sanctuary. Where are the sanctuary cities to protect those who exercise their First Amendment right to speak their minds and to assemble to petition to their government? Why are the rights of American citizens being tread upon while murderers who are here illegally are being set free? Why does former Green Beret Jeremy Brown, a man who served his country honorably and who still to this day holds to his oath to protect and defend this country, now find himself locked up like a caged animal, held in filthy conditions, spending all but 2 1/2 hours of each day confined to the tiny space of a prison cell? 

Will it be YOU that they come for next? 

This is a serious question that must be asked. Over the last few years, the power of the government has grown larger, while protection of the rights of the citizens is diminishing by the day. While most of us cannot relate to what it is like to view what is happening from the perspective of Jeremy Brown, a man whose background gives him an extensive knowledge and understanding of the unrestricted warfare tactics being used by the U.S. Government against its own people, many of us do still see what is taking place in our country right now. We feel it at the gas pump and at the grocery store, but at an even deeper level than that, we feel the clench of the hand of government that has been placed over our mouths to try to silence us from speaking out against any of what it is that we are seeing and experiencing. THAT is what January 6, 2021 was all about--ensuring that fear was instilled into those who dared to speak the truth about what the U.S. Government is doing. People are still, to this day, having their homes raided and being arrested for having dared to exercise their First Amendment rights on January 6, 2021. The message that is being sent is one intended to deter us from exercising our right to peacefully assemble to air our grievances against our government. Citizens, to include the elderly who certainly pose no physical threat to anyone, are being targeted and locked up for the "crime" of PRAYER. 

Did you know that MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown was denied bond and has been kept behind bars every single day since his arrest on September 30, 2021? That makes it 1070 days today. Brown is but one of many Americans who have been unjustly taken hostage by our governnment. I would invite you to take a look at WHY it is that Brown was deemed to be such a threat to our government. The picture below is included in Brown's legal documents and it is of a sign that Brown had taped to the door OF HIS HOME. It was this sign that was referenced by the U.S. Government as being evidence for why Brown should be denied bond and not be allowed to be free while he awaited his trial. 

For those who perhaps cannot make out the text in red at the bottom of the sign, what it says is "De Opresso Liber," the Special Forces motto which means "To Free the Oppressed," and it is signed "Jeremy SENDS." Again, this is a message that Brown had posted on the door OF HIS HOME. The only way that this message would have ever been seen by ANYONE is if they were on his property and at his front door; and yet this is what the U.S. Government and our judicial system allowed to be used to argue that Brown was too dangerous to be remain free. Even if this message were one that were shared beyond the confines of Brown's HOME and private property, it still should be considered protected speech. And so that is why I invite every American who might also share some of MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown's grievances with our overreaching government to ask themselves who among us is going to be the next to be targeted. Will it be you? Or your neighbor, perhaps? 

I can only ask Americans to dig deeper into the stories of what is happening to U.S citizens at the heavy hand of our own government. Those who have invaded our country are being treated far better than American citizens are being treated. If Jeremy Brown were a man who was in our country illegally and who was suspected of murder, he would never have been so unjustly denied his freedom. The real "crime" that Jeremy Brown and so many other targeted Americans are guilty of is that they exercised their First Amendment rights. I am going to exercise my rights as well by posting on MY OWN FRONT DOOR the exact same message that is in the sign above which was written by the hand of Jeremy Brown. We all should. If we allow them to silence us with fear, then they win. I will not be silenced and cowed into believing that it is not my right to post such a sign ON MY OWN FRONT DOOR. I'm reminded of the bumper stickers I've seen that say "If you can read this, you're too close." The message in that sign says that the resident who lives there holds the expectation that those who have sworn an oath to protect and defend our U.S. Constitution have a duty to uphold that oath, and that if they do not, then they can go fuck themselves. I agree with that. Do you? 

If you are not familiar with why it is that MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown became a target of the U.S. Government in the first place, I would invite you to listen to the whistleblower recording of the conversation with two federal agents who DID come to the front door of Jeremy's home for the purposes of recruiting him to become a paid confidential human source in the days leading up to January 6, 2021. Also take note of the guise under which these agents of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) claim to be at Brown's home. We have government who believes that it's "no big deal" to send two federal agents to your front door to "clear your name" (implying that a judgement of you has already been made) with regard to things that Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms have flagged to the U.S. Government as something that warrants a visit to your home. As you will hear in the recording, there never was any social media post that was of concern. The real reason that they were there was to try to recruit this highly trained combat veteran to work with the JTTF as a paid informant to spy on law abiding citizens. 

I will not be cowed and I will continue to speak freely. And when the government sees fit to send federal agents to MY front door over anything I've ever shared online, they will be met with a sign on my front door that reads exactly as the one that was posted on the door of Jeremy Brown. They can go fuck themselves.  

* The above commentary was written by Jen Hicks, who is the administrator of this website and the media liaison for Jeremy Brown. Let it be noted that she is not suicidal, nor is she clumsy or accident-prone. 

* The email will not be published on the website.