• Sep 15, 2024

The two cases of MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown should serve as a cautionary tales to EVERY American that agents of a weaponized government who will come to the doorstep of the home of an American hero like Jeremy Brown to ask him to choose sides--the government or the people--is government that very well may show up on your doorstep next and ask you to turn on your neighbors. They came for Jeremy Brown. Read his story and then, please, don't do nothing.

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  • Sep 13, 2024

On Oct. 1, whistleblower & J6 political prisoner Jeremy Brown will spend his fourth birthday (50th) behind bars at the hands of our weaponized government. For his birthday, let's see if we can send him a congressman who has the courage to expose the FBI.

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  • Sep 11, 2024

​You also have indicated that you are in regular communication with members of Congress with regard to your efforts to push for the release of the MOATF. I understand the difficulty of obtaining the release of information which is being held by someone who may not yet be willing to release it. Why not go for the low-hanging fruit and ask these members of Congress to look at information that is readily available to them in the recording of Brown's conversation with the two federal agents who tried to recruit him in the days prior to January 6?

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  • Sep 9, 2024

I look forward to seeing future updates from Raiklin about former Green Beret Jeremy Brown, and I hope that he will use his voice, his reach, and his influence to help bring to the attention of our Congress the whistleblower recording of Jeremy's conversation with the two FBI JTTF agents who tried to recruit him in the days leading up to January 6, 2021.

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  • Sep 8, 2024

MORE Shenanigans From the DC Jail - New Update From Jeremy Brown

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  • Sep 7, 2024

Why is the government providing "multi-FELONY level discovery" in a trial for two MISDEANORS?

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