11 Sep

Thank you @IvanRaiklin for helping to bring attention to the weaponization of government against Retired Special Forces Green Beret Jeremy Brown. 🙏When you were a guest and spoke with Jeremy on the JeremyBrownCampaign podcast on Rumble last November, you stated that you were following Jeremy's story in great detail and that you were seeking to find a solution which would bring justice for ALL of the persecuted J6ers.

You also have indicated that you are in regular communication with members of Congress with regard to your efforts to push for the release of the MOATF. I understand the difficulty of obtaining the release of information which is being held by someone who may not yet be willing to release it. 

Why not go for the low-hanging fruit and ask these members of Congress to look at information that is readily available to them in the recording of Brown's conversation with the two federal agents who tried to recruit him in the days prior to January 6? Would it not be of benefit to all persecuted J6ers--and to the furtherance of the pursuit of the truth of what actually happened on January 6--for Congress to interrogate Retired Special Forces Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown and to have his whistleblower recording finally acknowledged on the record as being integral to providing an accurate understanding of what actually took place on January 6?

It's long overdue for MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown to be given the opportunity to provide to Congress his expert assessment (based upon the 20 years of training he received from our very own government) of his experience of being on the receiving end of a recruiment attempt by JTTF agents in the days leading up to January 6.

No member of law enforcement has ever interrogated Jeremy Brown, and despite being aware of the recorded evidence of the FBI's attempts to recruit Brown to become a paid confidential informant in the days leading up to January 6, members of Congress have shown no interest in bringing Brown's whistleblower recording to the attention of the public. Why haven't they? Have you asked? Will you?

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