05 Sep

MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown is currently being held in the DC gulag, having been extradited from the Citrus County Detention Facility in Florida so that he could stand trial for two MISDEMEANOR trespassing charges. Despite there being an area where other J6ers are being held, Jeremy was NOT placed in with the other J6ers. He was placed in the general population pod of the jail where he is locked in his cell for 21 1/2 hours every day, with only 2 1/2 hours outside of that small space, during which he must share a phone with the other inmates in attempts to try to get calls made to family and friends. Those of us who were in regular communication with him before are now going days without him being able to get calls out to us. Even his girlfriend doesn't hear from him everyday. 

Before arriving to DC, Jeremy has been very vocal about his concerns that his safety was at risk. I have been told that the reason Jeremy was placed in with the general population is because he is deemed to be a national security threat. And so, with that in mind, please look at the sign below, which is the subject of the discussion in the transcripts below. Note that this transcript is from 2021. Why are Americans not being more vocal and speaking up when an American hero like MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown, who has served our country faithfully and honorably, is being thusly accused of posing a threat if he were to remain free? And what is the reason they give for detaining him? The sign below is the reason. A sign that was never any threat to anyone and which  only ever could have been read by someone who was at Jeremy Brown's front door, for that is where this sign was posted. 

Read it for yourself and decide if you think Jeremy Brown is a threat to national security. And if you agree that he was unjustly deemed to be a threat, then please DON'T DO NOTHING. Call members of Congress and ask them to please help to move 20-year Special Forces Master Sergeant Jeremy Brown to a safer location in the DC jail. Better yet, ask them to listen to the recording that Jeremy Brown made of the two FBI JTTF agents who tried to recruit him to become a paid confidential human source in the days leading up to January 6, 2021. And then ask them what they plan to do to bring justice to all of the political prisoners who have been unjustly denied their freedom on the basis of a lie that has been allowed to continue for far too long. 

It also should be noted that the FBI closed an investigation into Jeremy on JANUARY 13, 2021, noting that he posed "no threat to national security."

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