06 Feb

Update #7 (6 more than I thought I would need)

"If you wait til the last minute, it'll only take a minute!" 

Yeah, that ONLY works when there is a deadline or "Hard Time". Maybe it's just me, but is anyone else starting to think "THEY" don't want to let me out?

***ADMIN Note: Chris H. gets two more "GB Credits" towards his "Green Beret Merit Badge" for properly getting my "Who said it" correct in a message most of you weren't a part of. So, to let you all in on the game...

Which "Green Beret" is famous for the line, "I love it when a plan comes together!" 

Lock in your answers NOW! (No AI, you cheaters!)

Speaking of AI, I would like to thank Jen C. for apparently launching my song writing career. Seems she has used "The Ghost in the Machine" to take words I wrote, NOT in the form of a song, and magically making them into a song, that now I am getting credit for. Can AI sue me for intellectual property? I haven't even heard it myself! Jen, what have you done!!! LOL. Can I get Frank Cavanaugh (sp?) and Tom MacDonald to Collab on a remix? Just asking :-) 

BAD NEWS!!! The FBOP's phone policy is that Convicts ONLY get 300 phone minutes per month. Once used, NO MORE CALLS until your "revalidation date", of which mine is the 22nd of each month. Because I DID NOT expect to be in here this long, I am down to my LAST 10 minutes. I will save those for Friday afternoon, in hopes of getting some good news. After that, I will be "Comms DARK on Voice', with ONLY this email system, of which BOP does not seem to approve messages over the weekend. So, as of Friday evening, I will likely be completely disconnected until Monday morning, when messages from the weekend are finally released. 

***Tell Mr. Trump, feel free to order me released anytime before then. We have a lot to discuss.***

Now, I'd like to address my "Fat ass", as it has sparked some discussion and confusion and, seems like a nice, jovial topic to take my mind off this 'shitshow' for a second. Over the 3+ years I've been in jail, I have come in 'fat' (227 lbs), gotten ripped and in damn near "Team shape" (198 lbs), then hurt something in my shoulder and moved around a lot (back up to 215 lbs), then rehabbed my shoulder and was just about back in shape when I had a 'security issue' and went into a "don't expose yourself" posture. Then more moves that landed me in DC at 213 lbs and now here at 218 lbs. All along I have been in pain, as ALL my joints have some level of degeneration, but worst are my lower back, shoulders, neck, hips and knees. PLUS, I may or may NOT use Honey Buns as "Anti-depressants". This IS NOT meant to complain, as like with most guys of my background, I have Brothers who I know are in "Real" pain and I would hang around them just to feel better about my 'papercuts' (Don't look away, Scott). But, regardless, at 50, I don't look a day over 70 but only feel about 99. So, I'm FAT enough to be glad to have Velcro shoes, but NOT too fat as to not be able to counter it with charm, wit and humor. Besides, I'm a HALO Guy, so I'm pretty much "In Uniform" according to dirty myths ;-)

Speaking of humor, I'd like to take some time to poke some good natured fun at my US Navy SeAL Brothers. I know it is likely crushing them that a Green Beret is actually getting some press, but "Light'en up, Francis", Hollywood still loves you ;-) But first, let me say some NICE things, because proteins shakes DO make things process a little slower. I think it is all the Whey. Some of my favorite missions as a SFODA Team Sergeant in 2009 were when a SeAL Platoon stayed at our camp and we helped them "execute" some of their target deck. They actually helped us identify some issues with our Intel shed (actually, one guy, but I digress). They were Solid Guys and I would load any 'bird' or truck and go into any fight with them. I actually ran in to one almost a decade later. He was a student at JSOU (the Joint Special Operations University, where I had been that School's WORST Contract Instructor) and I owned the Limo Company that they were using to celebrate. I couldn't (and don't) remember his name, but as we stood in "The Bad Monkey" in Ybor City (shameless plug), I KNEW I knew him. It's my "Sniper Memory"; Faces, YES! Names, NO WAY! I asked him the typical "bracketing" of questions, starting big and walking it down, before finally saying, "You were with my ODA in '09. Tal Afar!" Those really are my favorite moments. The Fraternity of Arms. 

One more nice thing, along those lines (Man, I'm getting soft at 50!) I'm reading "No Easy Day" by Mark Owen. Yes, I was shocked to learn SeALs could write. We only ever showed them pictures and "pointy, talkied" to them the CONOPs (this is you. this is your helicopter. [hand them a Powerbar]) But seriously, Mark's book has been a good reminder of why I'm here. While Mark was in DEVGRU (ST6), which is TIER ONE (Think Delta, except they shoot their HVIs and through them in the water...allegedly), reading his book shows we have chewed the same dirt and worked on the "White/Black" sides of many similar missions at similar times. Reading his 'tip of the hat' to Delta and 2005, when they lost so many great Operators, including my best friend and Groomsman, MSG (Ret.) Joe Andres [RIP 24 Dec 2005], really made me pause, reflect and even tear up. He also made a statement that ONLY those of us who have served, especially in Special Operations, understand. "We tried to be good fathers and spouses, but after years of fighting the war, it was hard to be present, even when we were at home." No truer statement has ever been said. I'll leave that there. I will say this, Mark, if we ever cross paths, the first round is on me! The rest are on YOU (you know you made more Special Duty pay, C'mon Man!) I'm half way through the book, but pick it up! It isn't full of a bunch of bullshit (at least so far) like many books written by so many FOBBITs looking for glory. And, Mark, if they haven't found "The Staff of Power" yet, try checking with soon to be PVT (E-1) Mark Milley. He likely has it "Suitcased" [ask an Inmate]. I salute ALL my Special Operations Brothers and I HOPE they are doing the RIGHT thing at this time in history, and NOT what they are being told.

Ok, that's it for poking fun at the SeALs (see, that wasn't so bad, guys). The reality is, I'd love to hear the phrase I personally uttered so many times on targets all over the place, "We're Navy SeALs, we're here to get you out." (Yep, the hilarity is endless when you are the Hollywood Boys). Hell, I'd be happy with a Mayberry Girl Scout Troop with ONLY 'Thin Mints' (because Tag-a-Longs are the superior GS Cookie) busting through my door. And don't feel bad about the jokes about being 'Hollywood'. As a "Special Forces Poster Boy", I've had to take my share of 'meanies'. I ran into a Long Lost Ranger Buddy in Iraq and he told me, "Hey Man! I saw you on the SF Recruiting Poster! It's AWESOME!" I said, 'Really? Thanks!" To which he said, without missing a beat, "Yeah, we use it as a Dart Board!" Later, in Recruiting School, the Fort BRAGG (never heard of that other place) SF Recruiting Team came for a visit. They had the poster on thick poster board, but had added lots of, well, let's just say, they made it VERY colorful. They presented it to me, the "Class Leader", to then be followed by a long line of regular Army Recruiter students, all wanting me to sign theirs, which the Bragg Team happily provided to them. I still have that damn thing, somewhere. And people wonder how, even now, I can have a "sense of humor". Because we LIVE to "Embrace the Suck".

In fact, My Squad Leader in Ranger Battalion, Paul R. Johnson, once told me, while sitting depressed on the USS America, after Jimmy Carter and Collin Powell prevented our invasion of Haiti with that horrible PEACE deal (Just kidding, but THIS is how young Rangers think). He told me, "Hey Brown, you know why we make your life SUCK so bad here?" "Negative, Sar'ent" was my pitiful response. "Because, If we can make your life a living hell, COMBAT will seem EASY!" AMEN! Those words have never left me. And I'm living them out, even right now! Thanks, Paul! RLTW! De Oppresso Liber! -- Jeremy

PS...Can someone please tell SGM (Ret.) Scott O. to accept my invite! I hate that he can't appreciate my integration of great (classic) movie lines :-)

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