13 Aug

They came and took Jeremy Brown last night from the Citrus County, Florida facility to begin the move to DC for his September 4th trial for two MISDEMEANOR charges. Multiple attempts have been made by the Government to move Jeremy to DC, and this recent attempt is yet another blatant violation of Brown's rights. Through a filing from his attorney, Brown had asserted his right not to appear in person for the trial of these misdemeanors per Rule 43 (b)2. Our weaponized US government is proving, once again, that they hold no regard for the rights of the citizens.

We know that recent plea deals offered to Brown would indicate that the Government was willing to make these misdemeanors go away, if they could just get this former Green Beret and 20 year Special Forces Master Sergeant to sign his name to a plea agreement and admit guilt so that they could write the narrative any way they wanted.

We know that the plea deal offered to Brown was essentially just a THREAT to him, as he was told that if he did not accept the deal of admitting to TRESPASSING (of which Brown maintains that he is innocent--AND Brown never even entered the Capitol), that he could be facing additional charges of seditious conspiracy. 

Are you following? "Admit that you were trespassing and all of this goes away. Refuse to admit and we may elevate the charges to SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY." That makes perfect sense, right? This clearly has nothing to do with the Government believing that Brown poses any sort of threat to anyone but THEM. They certainly don't think that he has done anything that can't be forgiven and forgotten about if he would just say he was sorry and admit that he was guilty of all of the things that they claim. "Just say that you did it." Or else...

THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. And that is why these hell-bent attempts by the Government to move Brown from the Florida facility to DC to stand trial for these two misdemeanor charges is so concerning. 

These plea deals which were offered to Brown, complete with threats that he would be further targeted if he did NOT comply, are evidence that the Government would prefer for these two misdemeanor charges to go away. But they can't just drop those charges against him. The 7.25 year sentence that Brown is now serving (and which is presently under appeal) is a DIRECT RESULT of those two misdemeanor charges ever having been leveled at him in the first place. On September 29, 2021, Special Agent Hill submitted complaints against Brown alleging the two misdemeanors. Agent Hill ALSO submitted on that same day a request to a Washington, DC judge for a search warrant of Brown's FLORIDA home. Planted evidence was "found" during the 5 1/2 hour raid of Brown's home and RV and Brown was sentenced to serve time on weapons charges resulting from that unconstitutional raid.
Jeremy Brown has repeatedly said that he WANTS the opportunity to defend himself against the misdemeanor charges. He wants the opportunity to expose this weaponization of government and the corruption that exists within our judicial system. Brown certainly isn't the only innocent American citizen who has been targeted by our weaponized government. What makes his story unique is that Brown has a recording of the FBI's attempt to recruit him to become a paid confidential informant to spy on law abiding citizens, AND he has the expertise of 20 years of experience and training in Unrestricted Warfare tactics to bring to bear as a witness of how warfare is being waged against the American people by our own government. 

The Government couldn't make Jeremy Brown "go away" by offering him plea deals with built-in threats of facing additional charges if he did not comply. The Government has taken measures to try to ensure that Jeremy Brown's upcoming September 4th misdemeanor trial never takes place. But Jeremy Brown did not yield their offers and threats. So, what measures will the Government take next to try to prevent Brown from having his day in court to defend himself against those misdemeanor charges on September 4th? 

Jeremy Brown will never yield to these tyrants. They will have to kill him first. And he believes that they may try. Brown has said many times that he is NOT suicidal and that no one should believe that any harm that may come to him as they try to move him to DC is anything other than an intentional act of a weaponized Government that does NOT want Jeremy Brown to be able to speak at his trial on September 4th. He is resolved to fight until he has exposed the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, and the FBI operation known as "January 6th."


I am attaching a clip from Garrett Soldano @GrassrootArmy who has extensively reported on the story of MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown in the past. Garrett rightly asks why it is that none of the "Big Names" in  media have ever provided coverage of Jeremy's very newsworthy and significant story as both a whistleblower and a J6 defendant. I'd like to know why as well. Garrett calls for those with a wide reach, like @TuckerCarlson, @TCNetwork, @dbongino, or @charliekirk11, to tell Jeremy's story. 

Who will step up and report on this? Please share and tag other "Big Names" in the media. Tell them that Jeremy Brown's story has been suppressed and ask them to report on it.

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