16 Sep

This is the third edition of "Liberty's Ember"--a newsletter from whistleblower and political prisoner Jeremy Brown. Today marks 1082 days of his captivity at the hands of the weaponized U.S. Government. 

Much has happened in the last month. Around midnight on August 14th, MSG (Ret.) Jeremy Brown was removed from his cell in the Citrus County Detention Facility to move him to the DC jail to stand trial for two misdemeanor charges. After two false starts to the trial--both of which were ended due to his attorney being unable to provide effective counsel, reportedly due to health reasons--Jeremy's trial is now scheduled to take place on December 17th, 9:30AM in Washington, DC, before Judge Amit Mehta.

Jeremy will be moving forward with new counsel who has asked that Jeremy not issue any statements to the public or conduct any interviews at this time. Jeremy is unable to call out for interviews right now, anyway. Ever since he was placed in the DC jail, his ability to communicate has been greatly restricted compared to what it was at the Florida facility. He had recently been able to get messages out to the public through me (Jen Hicks) via the short 15-minute call that he makes on the days that he is able; however, I have been told that the government was enraged that he got a continuance for a new trial date and that they could now be even more inclined to bring new charges (as they have threatened to do in the past). Jeremy has been advised to avoid any further public statements--a request with which he is willing to comply, because there really isn't anything he could say publicly now which he has not already said many times before in previous interviews which can be found on WhoIsJeremyBrown.com and JeremyBrownDefense.com

On October 1st, Jeremy will spend his fourth birthday--turning 50--behind bars as a captive of the weaponized U.S. Government. Those who wish to write to Jeremy can find his address here on this Linktree: https://linktr.ee/freejeremybrown. What Jeremy would like most for his birthday, though, is for people to direct their mail and their calls to members of Congress on his behalf. He is asking his supporters to call upon congressmen and congresswomen to learn his story (and, who are we kidding--many of them already know it and have done nothing), and to speak up on his behalf and visit him to speak with him directly at the DC jail. 

You will find numbers to call and a call-to-action script (feel free to use your own) at the Free Jeremy Brown Linktree as well. Those who contact and receive back a reply from a member of Congress and who forward the reply they receive to newsletter@whoisjeremybrown.com will be sent a FJB Free Jeremy Brown keychain as a "thank you" for your efforts. (Include the address where you want it sent.) Also, please note that to receive a reply back from a member of Congress, you do often have to specifically request a response from them. It's as simple as telling them by phone or in your message that you do want a reply sent to you.  

Below is an image from a summary and commentary on the two cases brought against Jeremy Brown by our weaponized U.S. Government. Click HERE to read the full summary. It provides a sort of "Cliff's Notes" version of the two "US v. Brown" cases, and it addresses how both of the cases are intertwined--and how the outcome of Jeremy's case is relevant to the cases of other J6 political prisoners as well. Please read it and share it with others. 

We hope you have found this newsletter to be of interest to you. Please share it with others you know who may be interested. The signup for the newsletter is https://www.whoisjeremybrown.com/newsletter. If the newsletters are arriving in your Spam/Junk/Promotions folders, please be sure to add us for delivery to your Inbox in the future. To reach us with questions, or to submit a question to be chosen to be answered by Jeremy in a future newsletter (if he is able), please reply to this message. 

For the most recent updates on Jeremy, or to access the newsletter from last month (in case you missed it), please visit WhoIsJeremyBrown.com. If you would like to support Jeremy's legal defense, you may do so at https://www.givesendgo.com/JeremyBrownDefense.

Thank you for your support!

Jeremy Brown Defense Team



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